Planned Giving
You can make a lifetime of difference with gifts of major assets.
Many friends of Museum of Glass donate assets that lie outside their regular income stream.
These donations are called “Planned Gifts,” and can include current gifts and those designated in a donor’s estate plan. Both types of gifts can provide considerable tax benefits when utilized. Examples include gifts of stocks, mutual funds, IRA’s, and life insurance, among others. You can put these assets to work today to benefit Museum of Glass and still reserve assets for your loved ones.
Where do my gifts go when I donate major assets to MOG?
When you make a planned gift to Museum of Glass, your gift of assets or cash will be designated to the Museum of Glass Endowment. An endowment is a forever gift —the principal is invested, and the earnings are used to support Museum of Glass in perpetuity. Because the endowment's principal is not spent, the fund is an ongoing source of financial support, providing a stable stream of funding for the Museum’s exhibitions, the Hot Shop, and the innovative educational programs. For more information about the Museum of Glass Endowment, please click here.
How are Endowment funds invested? The Museum of Glass Endowment is invested in a diversified portfolio of funds and overseen by the Museum of Glass Board of Trustees Finance and Facilities Committee, as well as our Chief Financial Officer.
Gifts Trending Now with Museum of Glass Donors
Stocks and Securities
There may be a tax savings, including capital gains, when you give publicly traded stocks and securities to Museum of Glass. Click here for more information on how to donate stocks to Museum of Glass.
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRA)
In 2023 new IRS regulations have increased the age retirees must begin taking taxable withdrawals to 73 in 2023, and 75 by 2033, up from the previous 72. It does not, however, increase the age an IRA owner can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). That age remains at 70½. Click here for more information on giving your QCD to Museum of Glass this year.
Life Insurance
Naming Museum of Glass as a benefactor of your Life Insurance policy can be an effective and impactful asset. Click here for more information about gifting your life insurance policy to Museum of Glass.
More Ways to Invest in the Future of Museum of Glass
Wills and Bequests
Even if you plan to live to 110, and that is an ever-growing possibility, you should still map out a plan that celebrates and accommodates your longevity. Sometimes a will or bequest is a good strategy. Click here for to learn if a will is a good option for you.
Donor Advised Funds
Do you have a Donor Advised Fund? Would you like to create one? Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the U.S. because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity. Click on this link to learn how to create a Donor Advised Fund, or to give to Museum of Glass through yours.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
When you choose to share a portion of your assets with Museum of Glass through a CRU, you will receive a generous income tax charitable deduction for the value of the assets you transfer to MOG. Click here learn more about how to create a dependable income from appreciated assets such as stocks, mutual funds, and real estate.
Become Part of Museum of Glass’s Legacy: The Soffietta Studio
The Museum of Glass legacy society is as unique as you are. By establishing a planned gift with Museum of Glass, you become a treasured member of The Soffietta Studio, a legacy society that recognizes you for your generosity and foresight, and engages you in exclusive bi-annual events, where artists and collectors share in one-to-one conversations cherished details about what inspires them to create and to collect glass art.
To express your generosity to MOG through a planned gift, please contact our planned giving manager at or consult an estate-planning professional. If you have already remembered Museum of Glass in your estate, thank you! To get started, please download the form below and we will be in touch soon.
Museum of Glass
Office of Development
1801 Dock Street
Tacoma, WA 98402